Mustering the Horde

So I thought I’d throw up some pics of my Gauls I’m working on for DBA.  This project started a long time ago as a full blown 15mm army but sort of petered out alongside the initial excitement around FoG as it became clear it wasn’t the one ancients set to rule them all.  Anyhow DBA has actually had a new edition out as of last November – DBA 3.0.  Apparently published by reclusive monks it is somewhat difficult to get hold of around these parts, but from all accounts the rules have been greatly tidied up.  So I’m looking forward to a game shortly and I’ll try and post up some thoughts afterwards.

So let’s take a closer look at the trouser wearing barbarians!  First up we have the rather snazzy looking Chariot (Ch).  I’m probably going to use this guy as my army general simply because he just looks absolutely boss.  In DBA terms he performs identically to Cavalry, but as the general he will get a flat +1 to his roll so I expect to use him as a surgical hammer blow (that’s a thing) – he definitely won’t be hiding at the back!

Chariot Front

Next we have the actual Cavalry (3Cv), I’m actually going to be fielding two of these guys most of the time so have another on the painting table.  Anyways in DBA Cavalry is a fast, flexible strike force.  While they may not have the raw power and quick kill abilities of the more aggressive Knights they are themselves much more difficult to kill.  This represents a more cautious approach using disciplined hit and run attacks or close range thrown weapons rather than an all out charge.

Cavalry Front

Now we come to the bulk of the army – the fierce Warband! (4Wb).  These represent lowland Gallic tribesman who fought in an orderly spear wall, but still relied on a fearsome charge to demoralise and shatter the enemy’s resolve.  One of DBA 3.0’s new features is ‘solid’ vs ‘fast’ troop classifications.  This is determined by the number of figures on a base, in this case my 4Wb are classified as solid which gives them the edge in a close fight over any fast troops.  So these guys will form the bulk of my battle-line and depending on the opponent will either charge in as fast as possible or hold back while the cavalry works the flanks.  They are also effective in rough going.  So cunning use of terrain will be a big part of my strategy.


More warband – with no trousers! (does that make them civilised?).  Now I have to admit I love these guys.  Representing the Gaesatae – a fierce alpine tribe of professional mercenaries – these guys were so badass they didn’t wear clothes, let alone armour!  They also fought in ‘heroic’ style, hurling taunts and shouting challenges at their enemies.  Now DBA actually lets you field these as either 4Wb or 3Wb to represent this lack of discipline, so I’ll probably actually rebase these at 3 per stand so I have a couple of fast foot elements that can threaten the flank opposite my cavalry.

Gaesati Front

I also have another element of Psiloi (2Ps) – skirmishers for those of you not familiar with WRG-speak.  These guys are done but waiting for basing, basically younger members of the tribe armed with javelins.  Great in rough going, and very difficult to actually kill – basically only mounted can actually kill them.  These guys can either skirmish on the flanks or sit in front of my main battle-line to try and disrupt my opponent before our main lines meet.

So finally I thought I’d round it out with a group shot of the whole bunch.  Looking forward to seeing them in action soon!

The Warband


  1. I have plans for 3Wb as well. I suspect they will be useful moving quickly through bad going.

    My son uses a Wb general frequently in his Gallic army, it’s a different army but against Romans it can often break the line. With a rear rank the combat is 5 against 5.



      1. Partly this is a problem when fighting out of period.

        However, with a low aggression you can, much of the time, deploy terrain that charging cavalry can’t cope with.


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